The Arts and Culture Network is a global, mutually supportive community of over 120,000 professionals, enthusiasts, and support service providers. Keep in touch by subscribing to our Museletter.
Together, we create new connections, start conversations, and explore opportunities for collaboration.
The pulse of our community is a series of free, 1-hour networking events on ZOOM. Guests have been hired at our events.
Entirely optional, but if you wish to raise your profile, grow your network, progress your career and/or promote your business, join us as a full member. It's just £10 per month (£12/€12) and you may cancel any time. Benefits of full membership.
Mark Walmsley FRSA FCIM
Chief Culture Connector
Arts and Culture Network
Book a 15-minute one-to-one with me here.
Why join as a full member?
An interview recorded and promoted to the 800,000 monthly users of our linkedIn groups.
A filtered list of fellow members to connect with.
Shout outs at our free networking events.
Brand, marketing, and career development advice when you need it.
All for £10 per month, cancel any time. More here.
Want to learn more?
Book a 15-minute chat with me on Zoom here.
Future free events
- Thu, 03 OctZOOM | FREE or donate03 Oct 2024, 13:00 – 14:00 BSTZOOM | FREE or donate